
Telehealth: Where Tech & Healthcare Meet – Advis Whitepaper

The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated a drastic change in healthcare delivery. Patients needed a way to obtain healthcare without leaving the house. What better way to reach those patients than via readily available technology? 85 percent of US adults use smartphones, which made the expansion of telehealth a natural progression. Medicare and Medicaid are now seeing the benefits that the commercial payer arena has experienced and understood for years. Telehealth handles certain healthcare services quite efficiently, successfully obviating the need for in-person care. During the pandemic, for Medicare beneficiaries, for example, behavioral health via telehealth increased by 3000 percent. Post the worst of the pandemic, it should come as no surprise that Medicare extended telehealth flexibilities for behavioral health first.

Our latest Advis whitepaper discusses the evolution of telehealth as a care delivery method from the pre-pandemic era through the temporary relaxation of regulations. It concludes with the possible permanent expansion and future use of telehealth technology to provide care to millions of Americans.

The team at Advis can help you or your organization navigate the intricacies of the evolving requirements of Telehealth Services. For assistance, please contact Advis through our website, or by calling (708) 478-7030.

Published: August 31, 2022


Forward Thinking Advice + Vision

Advis provides innovative solutions to enhance healthcare operations, ensuring compliance and driving revenue growth for organizations.

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