Facility Development
Advis facility development for healthcare systems is adept at every project stage. We develop facilities for large healthcare systems as well as small. Advis consultants for facility development in healthcare have a well-defined skill set and a nationwide reputation for success. Advis healthcare facility development services are top of the class.

Acute Care Hospital
Advis helps optimize hospital and health system resources and capabilities to enhance operational efficiency and financial security.

Ambulatory Surgery Centers
We help you design a modern health care facility focused on same day surgery and preventive care.

DME Prosthetic and Orthotics Supplier
Understand how supplier enrollment, accreditation, and competitive bidding impact patient interactions.

Freestanding Birth Centers
An integral part of the modern health system, Advis helps you develop birthing centers which offer appropriate medical intervention while lowering costs.

Free-Standing Emergency Departments
A newly evolving model of care delivery, FEDs offer high quality emergency services while optimizing costs.

Independent Diagnostic Testing Facilities
IDTFs are emerging as a go-to option for lowering costs by focusing on the service provided.

Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals
Providing extended acute care to acutely ill patients in a venue developed specifically to meet the needs of this complex patient population.

Focus directly on community needs; optimize operations while keeping costs down.

Rehab and Psych Hospital Units
Advis offers consultation and regulatory guidance regarding DPUs.

Skilled Nursing Facilities
Whether hospital based or freestanding, these facilities provide care for patients not yet able to safely discharge home, or a long term solution for those requiring residential care.