In the wake of catastrophic flooding, hurricanes and wild fires, it is more important than ever to make sure your Emergency Preparedness Plan complies with new requirements, and can fully respond when emergencies strike.

With new CMS requirements for Emergency Preparedness now in effect, Medicare and Medicaid providers must refine their emergency preparedness guidelines in order to maintain compliance. To gain a clear understanding of where you stand regarding these new rules, the regulatory and compliance experts at Advis are offering a fast,
4-Point Emergency Preparedness Audit Plan. The audit is designed to quickly ascertain the facility’s level of efficiency and compliance with the new requirements. The Advis audit team will examine the following areas:

1. Risk Assessment and Emergency Planning

Assessment to ensure the emergency plan incorporates an “all hazards approach” specific to the location of the provider and particular types of hazards that are likely to occur in their areas.

2. Policies and Procedures

Assessment of policies to ensure access to healthcare during emergencies such as natural disasters or active shooters is included within the procedures.

3. Communication Plan

Assessment/implementation of a communication plan that establishes safe and effective procedures that will allow timely continuation of patient care during an emergency.

4. Training and Testing

Assessment of the facility’s training program and emergency preparedness testing to ensure compliance with the new CMS requirements.

The audit will result in a findings report and a comprehensive action plan identifying deficiencies, as well as, areas of opportunity for improvement.

Our assistance can also move beyond the assessment phase right into implementation and training:

  • Education Sessions
  • Training Module Development
  • Policy and Procedure Development & Revision

For more information on our 4-Point Emergency Preparedness Audit, or to discuss in greater detail how these new and updated CMS Emergency Preparedness requirements affect your organization, call Advis at 708-478-7030 or contact us electronically.

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