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Legislative and Policy Analysis

Rapid & Unique Legislative Analysis

Advis views the understanding of existing, proposed, and lapsing legislation and existing policy as one of the foundations of exceptional business management. Advis can provide rapid analysis of present or proposed legislation and its impact on your industry. For years, Advis has advised venture capitalists, investment bankers, for-profit companies and brokerage house analysts in the financial impact of legislative and/or regulatory actions.

Most recent examples are:

  1. The last refinements of the 75% rule for rehabilitation units and hospitals
  2. The proposed changes in the outlier rates for Long Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTACHs)
  3. Changes in the qualification for Provider-based status


Advis also provides clients with access throughout the year to the latest in policy development. We will continually update our clients at a moment’s notice of any changes concerning the legislative process for relevant house and senate bills. Advis does not limit our review of legislative issues to federal regulations and statutes, as we provide services for clients in over 44 states. This requires that Advis stay up to date on all of the latest state legislative actions.

For further information concerning our services or an analysis of proposed legislation, please contact Advis. To help stay connected to all of the recent legislative updates join our mailing list or click here to see recent Advis “blast updates” for the latest state and federal legislative news. Make sure the experts at Advis always keep you up to date.

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Forward Thinking Advice + Vision

Advis provides innovative solutions to enhance healthcare operations, ensuring compliance and driving revenue growth for organizations.

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