Diversity and Inclusion

A modern organization that embraces diversity and inclusion at all levels is critical to the operational success of today’s healthcare providers.
Advis has a long and successful record of helping health system leaders pay more than lip service to diversity and inclusion initiatives. Any organization’s greatest asset is its staff. Advis is experienced with executing cultural integration and improvement strategies for a wide variety of providers, including those undergoing transitions, often through mergers or acquisitions.
The primary focus is always on creating a culture of inclusion and acceptance that translates into staff satisfaction and productivity.
We understand that there is a powerful link between cultural inclusiveness and economic benefit. This premise permeates almost every provider project Advis accepts. Utilizing a change management approach, Advis assists its clients with establishing tangible outcomes to ensure organizational alignment. Optimal alignment results from an organization’s agreement and stakeholder buy-in about the various aspects of a project or strategy, including its value, timing, methods of implementation and need for consistent and effective communication.
Diversity and inclusion are at the very heart of who we are. Over the past 30 years, this has been demonstrated through recruitment and retention of a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic staff with diverse academic, professional and life experiences. Advis has successfully melded diversity into a thriving firm whose whole is much greater than the accomplishments of any one individual or aspect of the firm. Advis evolved its own Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan in-house before ever considering adding this expertise to its list of services.
Learn more about Diversity and Inclusion
Developing a Diversity and Inclusion Plan
n developing a Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) action plan, Advis’s team approach and engages as many stakeholders as is possible and practical. During our audit and assessment stage, we gain the perspectives of key stakeholders, executive leaders and subject-matter experts who identify issues and challenges.
We identify key themes and issues that we use as the foundation of the D&I plan.
Advis’ expertise regarding healthcare management, development, financial planning, physician integration, and overall regulatory compliance assists in the development of a strategic action plan and in achieving desired D & I goals.
The Advis team then helps the facility implement an individualized roadmap for executing identified strategies.
Driving Sustainable Results
Advis has a successful track record of integrating the principles of large-scale change management to drive sustainable results. The Advis team builds, measures and manages DEI programs in healthcare venues that drive impact.
Utilizing a proactive approach through change management, Advis action plans have been implemented successfully at 11 separate provider locations. In each case, the result was a properly implemented and aligned, diverse and inclusive, and a highly productive service line.
Additionally, Advis has extensive experience working with the Office of Civil Rights to ensure health system processes, policies and culture comply with applicable state and federal requirements and are understood and fully embraced throughout organizations. Assuring compliance involves applying extensive knowledge of Section 557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1964 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.
A Vast Array of Experience
Advis is certified by the National Women’s Business Enterprise as a Woman Business Enterprise. The firm includes highly skilled consultants with legal, academic, clinical, financial, human resources, pharmaceutical and industry executive management backgrounds. With clients in 42 states, Advis has an established record of providing practical solutions in healthcare.
Contact our highly skilled team and let us lead you through your Diversity and Inclusion plan.